Sunday, October 11, 2009

Meaningful Change for Ghana's sustainable future will depend on how much politics & policy direction change. Healthy Inter-party relationships in politics are key to Ghana's long term democratic and economic success. We must strategically deepen cross-party relationships through dialogue, consensus building, expanding cooperation, building strategic mutual trust and making room for early reconciliation, bearing in mind the fact that we have some catching up with the advanced world to do and face tough competition ahead. In the supreme national interest, we must develop a better understanding of politics and apply new thinking, innovation, and creativity to it. For as a nation in competition with the world for a decent market-share of a great global promise, we must swim together in orderly diversity lest we sink together in chaotic disaster. The past must be relieved, what we have with us preserved, and our synergized energies previously invested in over-zealous political rivalry & excessive partisanship, redirected into the many surmountable challenges that confront us, with an unyielding determination to position them behind us. Political power should be a tool to promote a great, widely accepted vision. Policy should be carved out of thorough research, exhaustive analysis, deep strategic thinking & pragmatism. The future of the world belongs to those who have an ambitious implementable vision, a winner's mindset & worldview, relevant 21st century knowledge, the right attitude, the odacity to defy all odds, winning strategies, and who are hungry for global success, properly positioned, and swiftly seize opportunity. Indeed, Presdent Obama said it all. It is time for the Charles Sam Generation (Ghana’s Youthful Generation) to swing into Patriotic Action. Moko Ayaa Ne Moko Aba. Spread d word.
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